The Moral Matrix
Your Score: Your scored -1.5 on the Moral Order axis and -5.5 on the Moral Rules axis.
The following items best match your score:
- System: Liberalism
- Variation: Economic Liberalism
- Ideologies: Progressive NeoLiberalism
US Parties: No match.
Presidents: Bill Clinton (88.95%)
2004 Election Candidates: John Kerry (83.17%), George W. Bush (71.19%), Ralph Nader (65.06%)
Of the 146374 people who took the test:
0.5% had the same score as you.
78.8% were above you on the chart.
16.4% were below you on the chart.
40.1% were to your right on the chart.
52.3% were to your left on the chart.
Já fizeste o teu?
Rodrigo Adão da Fonseca