"Virgem Negra", Mário Cesariny

Faz-me o favor...

Faz-me o favor de não dizer absolutamente nada!
Supor o que dirá
Tua boca velada
É ouvir-te já.

É ouvir-te melhor
Do que o dirias.
O que és nao vem à flor
Das caras e dos dias.

Tu és melhor -- muito melhor!--
Do que tu. Não digas nada. Sê
Alma do corpo nu
Que do espelho se vê.

Mário Cesariny


Anónimo disse…
Mário Assis Ferreira, Director of "Selfish", writes in an editorial: "I do not know if it was a revolution, a coup or a military uprising. I do not know if, just as it was a dying regime, exhausted himself in atonement dropping the mere sight of a "Chaimite.
This type knows nothing but make collective redundancies is with him, when the best deal is to stay in the family, and is still sanding to those who weave.
Let's see what the difference between the Portuguese justice that disgrace the citizen who needs it as the case of 112 workers at Casino Estoril, the years pass and nothing and jihadist who cuts the head from a citizen saying is untrue.
Jihadist shows the world his righteousness bad or good.
The Portuguese justice doom citizen leading to poverty profiting as banks and governments to come together as a network and it can not prove the deaths caused by them.

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